
jueves, 4 de agosto de 2016

Saint Seiya full collection download mega, Santa Lilio Sangre, and castlevania pics pack

Perhaps I have not been the most active blogger around, but I have to say in my defense that the stuff I share is quite good, ( the Castlevania soundtracks are in the best quality available ), also recently I had a lot of problems with the installation of the mother fucker Windows 10, that shit really made me piss off, first I tried the internet upgrade and the bastard installed by default the 86x bit version, this means that every single application I had already in  the computer was not compatible, then I made the "downgrade" to the 64x bit version, and guess what?, The Fucker erased all my information in the computer, not to mention that after the "installation" the shit did not work at all, meaning that I had to install that piece of garbage again, and again, and again, for a total of 6 installations, needless to say, that the Old windows folder is just there to enhance your anger to a whole new dimension, well, it took almost a whole week to "update", but after all this it seems that is finally working now, hope it keeps like this.

In this post, I will add something that has being around for a long time in my archives, this is my personal collection of Castlevania images, there are a lot, some from Deviantart, some from the internet, and one made by myself, also the grandiose "Santa Lilio Sangre" by Our favorite artist Ayami Kojima, in  high-quality scans.

Castlevania Pics collection 564 pics 
Key !YQXTN6cqWwHNE_-kzCRnjcSsFpFSl0bKr-q9-1XCZN4

Santa Lilio Sangre by Ayami Kojima  
Key !9CAmsQS3sfNLGEhBSsXeVRi152NScCdAS568c7y69jk

Also as a gift for the first year of the blog, I will add a very especial selection of soundtracks, the Saint Seiya collection!also known as "Los Caballeros del Zodiaco" here in Mexico, I sill remember the first episode, Seiya fighting Cassius for the right to wear the Pegasus cloth, then out of nowhere Seiya attacks Cassius with a karate chop ripping off his ear, and this still bleeding had a last move on the floor, shit I simply cannot imagine the face of orgasm I made that Saturday morning so many years ago. Of course all this was just the beginning of a whole new era in television, from that moment on the generation step was set, and nothing will be the same again, no more He-Man and the masters of the universe, no more care bears and that gay shit, no more Transformers; the time has come to fight for your life in the name of the goddess Athena and bleed, bleed a lot for her, dude the action in this anime is just over the top, the galactic tournament, the silver saints saga, the 12 temples of the golden saints, the Asgard saga (which was a filler, but damn, what a filler, not like the endless childhood flashbacks from Naruto, oh! Naruto, my heart bleeds for you), then Poseidon and the 7 pillars, and the last and the best, so good that we have to wait over 10 fucking years to see it on animation, and then another painful 6 years to be completed, the Hades saga, the reason why the saints exist in this world is just to fight Hades in the biggest and most amazing battle, the "Holy War" (holy shit!), the first episodes of the sanctuary battles are to my taste the best example of an animation before the HD era arrived, they are so good, maybe later I will upload the ISOs from the DVD's.

Anyways this is a gift and I hope you like it 16 discs for all you to have, remember that share is free and comment also.

The first 3 soundtracks are the music from the series from the galactic tournament up to the end of the sanctuary saga, written by Seiji Yokoyama with a great sense of intensity and passion if you are a fan you have to have these.

Saint Seiya OST 1 key !x4qqxAEqm2to1LnVmU24auBYv7fpeg1XpOAWVuaDQHI
Saint Seiya OST 2 key !hiyD3mwTB4_2MpPv-zdYdj90RHRNNrCP7uXtK9OChUs
Saint Seiya OST 3 key !gGwTtFGkn66Dclbv2HyPQ-3sGlUyvlfg6HfgtWwNJF4

Kamigami Atsuki No Tatakai, the soundtrack number 4 is for the movie better known as The heated battle of the gods, a movie that worked as an introduction to the Asgard saga, not too much to say about it. 

Saint Seiya OST 4 key !hP791WLyGdsile1JV2DH4VstzXBIbPHSzR9XZnMelyw

Shinku no shonen densetsu, The legend of this crimson youth, my favorite movie, the golden saints return as servants of  Phoebus Abel and he decides that the bronze saints are just a bunch of losers and he will take care of his sister, of course, this is just an excuse to have some action. This is one of my favorites soundtracks from the series, great tunes especially the theme of Abel.

Saint Seiya OST 5 key !xDiwMeho6KTJnmzdZK-cawcTAoL6erqCQFcaxnQ1iFs

The next soundtrack is for the Asgard saga, some of the best battle themes ever are included in this beauty, legendary god warriors is my favorite song on this soundtrack.

Saint Seiya OST 6 key !xu8ZIPIkIV6dCsloDbzhteiY3t-d_lflOYWQ7NLxh8k

Poseidon God of the sea returns to this world to be the king, or at least that was the plan, he did not count that a group of five bronze saints will be in the way, neither that he will be cheated by one of his own generals, mostly a melodic soundtrack with a heavy use of the mandolin, giving a Mediterranean feeling to the music.

Saint Seiya OST 7 key !gWMosSj6f7QtkBQ63Q4rFgefveOC0k9SICRUuUIao3w

Saishu Seisen no Senshitachi, Warriors of the final holy battle, the movie that cheats us all thinking that this was, at last, the  hades saga, fools we were, but anyways this was a great movie also and the songs are so good that some were used in the actual Hades saga.

Saint Seiya OST 8 key !3whzsGfs3Negr-jJzmunvWtJzm-p9JjToKQNV0tIyhU

Eternal edition is an especial album with some of the best tunes of the series, and the full versions of the opening and ending songs, Piano fantasia, well the name says it all, a collection of arranged versions of the series with a piano twist, serve well chilled.

Saint Seiya Eternal edition key !Gp4CK7rNI5NV-GUgD4H1xWdkv9KGjUB1_Fj3gut-f3Y
Saint Seiya Piano fantasia key !Fv5g1RrXrtsAzTWK_Sh3CWl_V9lzPXvnE769mqa-sIA

WTF! the band that made the main themes of the series was Make-Up, and they decide to hang themselves from the popularity of the series to release series of albums, you know just because. 

Saint Seiya hits 1 key !Yec7ZCO1n2rGPax6X5cEu73e1ax-dyRZ-0hB3rI_fuo
Saint Seiya hits 2 Key !X9-SFQhUEucbcUEvulYAHTaybirxoR3EUwh93jph5Ls
Saint Seiya hits 3 key !Iy0u0h5BWyWOP2Z-_AE8qxbFnBpAn4DPelxjDgkMx5U

The Hades saga was the final chapter of the series, and we had to wait too much to see this, but it worth the wait, the series was good, although some little changes were out of context, but the final product was of the best quality, great animation, epic battles, the art was awesome, especially in the sanctuary part, and the music could not be left behind.  

Saint Seiya Hades CD key !xaayxGdLiYCk51IuXKJcdaDpH7Ad2-1VC6Uyo5hu244
Saint Seiya Hades special album key !nzI0ruvpbK7W2ZMqilX1qCFZHptJQrCE3DQwAIk6oug

The last movie Heaven chapter overture, all the fans of the series thought  that this was the first part of the legendary Zeus saga, and then 12 years later there is nothing, but well everything can happen, the point here is that the music was great, as good as the old one, and that is an achievement considering that many series in the last years are being made as cheap as they can, and this includes also movies, Dragon Ball Super is a great example of how you can destroy a series by reducing the budget, but luckily this was not the case.

Saint Seiya Tenkai Hen OST key !A_YPCQpBpn1mlmN9H0JxKdd3ODuGe2uYgR7Ac07VWzU

Burn your cosmos to the limit and have some fun.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016



En la peores situaciones que me he encontrado a lo largo de mi vida he aprendido algo de gran valor, y eso es que al final del día cuando todo parece desmoronarse encima mío lo único con lo que realmente cuento es la música, nunca he sido una persona muy sociable, ni mucho menos talentoso o gracioso, mi personalidad puede ser descrita mas como  de un solitario y soñador, pues mucho del día sucede tras mi propia imaginación y no en la realidad de la gran mayoría, si a todo esto se le suma el hecho de que jamás me he sentido identificado con los gustos de casi todas las personas a las que conozco, pues hace un poco solitario mi día a día, y esta soledad no es física, es sentimental, intelectual, emocional; no hay nada peor que estar rodeado de un montón de gente con la que sabes que no vas a poder comunicarte, que a casi cualquier comentario vas a contestar con un "sí", "ajá", "¿en serio?", y todo ello con la misma pasión  e interés con que te cepillas los dientes por la mañana; vivir de esta manera puede ser todo un reto, uno bien difícil, pues con el paso del tiempo te aburres, al conocer uno o dos hábitos de la gente llegas a predecir sus acciones, pareciera a veces que puedo leerlos como si de un libro abierto se tratase (inclusive llegan a enfadarse, pero no es mi culpa  que tengan una personalidad tan plana), y es entonces que sucede, llega ese gran adversario de toda mi vida, aquél que me ha costado trabajos, relaciones y hasta familia, el aburrimiento; ¿y como es que puedo combatir con este?, la respuesta es sencilla, con música, con buenos ritmos y cadenciosos sonidos que pueden llevarme más allá de lo que pasa a mi alrededor, y no solo a mí si no a cualquiera que los escuche, y de eso es de lo que vamos a hablar el día de hoy, del estilo que es capaz de llevarnos a la estratosfera y la luna, de ida y vuelta: el Trance.

     Corría el año 2000 y un adolescente imberbe a punto de salir de la secundaria (en la época contaba con 15 años), buscaba como al igual que cualquiera de esa edad una identidad, pronto ese chico se dio cuenta de que entre sus compañeros no la iba a encontrar; para ese entonces lo que sonaba en las fiestas eran los ya de por si quemados sencillos de Los Héroes del silencio, Caifanes, un montón de música pop cuyos grupos se los tragó el tiempo y que  con suerte alguna persona recordará, de vez en cuando no faltaban los que tenían todos los discos de Metallica o inclusive algún tipo con los de The Doors, sin olvidad el Ska (que tal como lo recuerdo llego y se fue con la misma rapidez) y otros ritmos que más bien califique entonces y ahora como simples cacofonías sin sentido; cansado de tratar de separar la paja del grano este chico terminó decepcionado de no poder hallar su nicho musical, hasta una tarde de verano, a casi una semana de salir de la escuela para entrar en la preparatoria, en una reunión de compañeros de generación, en la que todos sabían con seguridad sería una de las últimas veces en las que se veían las caras, el joven en cuestión escucho un término que no se parecía a nada: "punchis-punchis" (sí, sonaba a rito de apareamiento más que género músical), intrigado al otro día se dirigió al centro músical y social de la Ciudad de México en ese entonces, la ya casi mítica Glorieta de los Insurgentes, en la calle de Génova se encontraba, y aún ahora una tienda de discos en la que pasó con algo de timidez a preguntar a uno de los encargados: ¿Donde están los los discos de "punchis-pinchis"?, el encargado con una sonrisa por demás socarrona miró al chico y después de tragar saliva muy seguramente para no carcajearse le dijo las palabras que le cambiarían la vida: "Tú lo que buscas es la música electrónica", sí, esa era la respuesta, un género que siempre estuvo ahí, aunque yo no lo notara, pronto comenzaría una etapa de reconocimiento, pues la música electrónica no es solo una, hay muchos tipos, dance, eurodance, psicho, tribal, chill-out, minimal, cicuit, rave, y los favoritos personales, house y por suepuesto, el Trance. Para no hacer la historia más larga solo he de decir que fue una canción la que transformo la vida del chico, esta, incluso el video se podría considerar una analogía del viaje iniciatorio hacia la profundidad de este genero, caminando en la bastedad de la nada, surfeando y luchando sobre las olas de basura musical, hasta alcanzar la ola que hace latir el corazón mas fuerte, igual de intenso que la primera vez que se experimenta un rave.

     Historias locas aparte, a mi parecer el mejor trance es ese que va entre 1999 y 2004, puro oro de 24K, y por eso he aqui una buena, muy buena compilación.

 Tranceworld  collection

Vol 1
Vol 3
Vol 4 
Vol 5   disc 2
Vol 6   disc 2
Vol 7   disc 2
Vol 8
Vol 9
Vol 10

A state of trance

Asot 2004
Asot 2004 yearmix
Asot 2005
Asot 2010

Word of trance Vol 1

A descargar que el  no hay cover y disculpen si algunos no se encuentran, pero ya iré actualizando.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

The Count of Montecristo / El conde de Montecristo MEGA DOWNLOAD

Como ya se habrán dado cuenta, el nombre del blog hace referencia a una novela muy famosa de Alejandro Dumas:  El conde de Montecristo, en este libro se nos relata la historia de un marinero Marsellés llamado Edmond Dantes y su caída hacia la locura ocasionada por un deseo de venganza por una sentencia de cárcel injustificadamente cruel que poco a poco lo consumirá hasta crear en el una serie de alter egos que le ayudarán en su cometido sin importar nada y que con ayuda de la providencia que en este caso toma la forma de un tesoro de fabulosas dimensiones, lo llevaran al límite de su propia humanidad para castigar a sus enemigos de formas cada vez más despiadadas, solo para encontrarse al final consigo mismo y hacer una retrospectiva de lo que fúe y pudo haber sido.

As you already realize, the name of the blog makes reference to a very famous novel by Alexandre Dumas: The count of Montecristo, on this book we are told the history of a Marseillais sailor called Edmond Dantes, and his fall into madness caused by a desire for revenge for an injustifiably cruel jail sentence that little by little will consume him up to the point of creataing a series of alter egos willing to help him on his goal without caring about the others, and with the aid of providence wich in this case take the shape of a fabulous treasure of huge proportions, this will take him to the limit of his own humanity to punish his enemies in more ruthless ways, just to find himself at the end of all and make a restrospective view of what was and could have been.
     Por mucho mi novela favorita, y no solo mía sino de muchos, pues la historia de Edmond nos muestra a un ser humano tal cual es, lleno de imperfecciones y de una gran habilidad para causar daño a sus semejantes si este es su objetivo, o de generar milagros si así se desea, pero al mismo tiempo nos muestra que sin importar cuantas máscaras usemos frente al mundo en el fondo los únicos que sabemos quienes somos, somos nosotros mismos. Valores universales que en cualquier idioma ó época se entienden y que no han pasado desapercibidos, hacer una cuenta de todas las reediciones, adaptaciones (telenovelas,películas,series,miniseries.....), plagios (El psicoanalista de John Katzembach es un ejemplo exelente), parodias, y hasta el uso de nombres como marcas (puros cubanos Montecristo) o parte de la historia de otras novelas e historias, convierten a esta novela en uno de los grandes clásicos de la literatura universal, y es por eso que deseo compartir lo que a mi consideracion son las mejores adaptaciones de la novela y un pequeño extra.

     By far my favorite novel, and I'm not alone on this, because the history of Edmond Dantes show us a human being just as it is, full of imperfections and great skill to cause great harm to his peers if is his goal, or to create miracles if he wishes so, but at the same time it show us that it doesn't matter how many mask we use in front of the world, the only ones who know how we really are, are ourselves.Universal values that on any language or time are apreciated and cannot be ignored; making a list of all the reissues, adaptations (soup operas, movies,long run series, miniseries....),plagiarims (The Analyst by John Katzembach it's a great example), parodies, and even some of the characters manes were used as brands (Montecristo Cuban cigars), or as parts of other novels and tales, all thism makes novle one of the great classics of  worls literature, and it is because of this that I wish to share what for me are the best adaptatiosn of the novel plus a little extra.

Le Comte de Monte Cristo 1998

Una miniserie de producción fancesa de solo cuatro episodios, pero que a pesar de algunos cambios y la falta de algunos personajes se gana su lugar como una de las mejores adaptaciones de la novela y que posee un mejor guión que la película del 2002 que a mi parecer es una de la peores adaptaciones, (aunque he de admitir que crear un guión para una película de un libro de unas 1000 páginas pues esta cabrón); como sea he aquí los cuatro capítulos en idioma y formato original con subtítulos en español.

Le Comte de Monte Cristo 1998

A french miniseries of only four episodes, and despite a few changes and some missing characters, takes it's place as one of the best adaptations of the novel, and by the way has a better script than the 2002 movie that for me it's one of the worst attempts, (although I have to admit that making an script based on a 1000 pages book it's fucking hard); anyways, here you can find the four chapters on it's original format with spanish subtitles.
Montecristo 1
Montecristo 2
Montecristo 3
Montecristo 4


El anime es para mí una de las grandes formas de expresión del siglo XX y XXI, altamente flexible y adaptable, lo cual hacía suponer desde tiempo atrás que una adaptación de la Novela de Dumas sucediera tarde o temprano, y pasó, y de que manera, de manos de estudio Gonzo, creadores de algunos de los mejores animes, (Hellsing, Samurai 7, Trinity blood, Basilisk) llega esta que es a opinión de muchos, yo incluido la mejor adaptación hecha hasta el día de hoy de esta novela, al igual que otras adaptaciones esta no esta exenta de cambios en la historia, pero a diferencia de otros guiones los cambios hechos a esta versión son mas aceptables y en algunos casos yo los consireraría una mejora, de entrada la historia se cuenta a travéz de la perspectiva del que en la novela son personajes secundarios, Albert de Morcef y su amigo en esta historia Franz d'Epinay, la historia transcurre en el año 5053 y el arte en general es una explosión de color y buen gusto usando lo que en ese tiempo era una técnica revolucionaria, el layering, aquí traigo los 24 episodios con audio original y tambièn en inglès, lamentablemente solo tengo los subtítulos en inglés pero los videos estan en formato original, esperando que sean de su agrado.
Debido a que el peso de cada episodio es ligero he puesto archivos para descargar con seis episodios cada uno.
Anime for me it's one of the great forms of expression of the XX & XXI century, highly flexible and adaptable, wich make us suppose since  while that sooner or later an adaptation of mister Dumas novel will be released sooner or later, and well, it happen, made by studio Gonzo, creators of some of the best animes ever (Hellsing, Samurai 7, Trinity blood, Basilisk), comes this that most people, me included it's the best adaptation ever made until today of this novel, just loke the others this one it's not free of changes  on the plot, but unlike the other scripts the changes made on this version are more friendly and in some cases even an improvement, just to begin the tale is view from the perspective of  a secondary character on the novel, Albert de Morcef and his fiend Franz d'Epinay, all is set on the year 5053, the artwork in general it's eye candy, with an explosion of color and good taste, using what was at the time a revolutionary technique, layering.Here I bring the 24 episodes with the original Japanese and English language, only with the English subtitles, but all the videos are on it's original format, hoping you like it.
Because the episodes are very ligth the files to download have six each.



Gankutsuou OST

Y el gran finale, el Ost de esta serie, uno de mis favoritos.
A descargar y compartir que es gratis, comentar es agradecer XD.
An the garnd finale, the original soundtrack of this anime, one of my favorites.
Download and share because it's for free, comment it's caring XD.

mp3 320 kbps
20 tracks

martes, 12 de enero de 2016



Due to some commitments I was not able to make an update (procrastination), but this time I will go with a lot of music to download.

Bayonetta Ost

 I don`t know if there is anyone who has not hear before about this game, I mean, it`s the nearest thing to perfection, great graphics, great character design, fun factor and controls just superb, and the Ost cannot be left behind.

Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Disc 4
Disc 5

Bayonetta 2 OST

Full ost of this SEGA masterpiece, a direct sequel from the game for xbox 360 and play station, again like in the first game we have a very melodic soundtrack full of Big band and jazz arrangements make it a must have for the collection.

disc 1
disc 2
disc 3
disc 4
disc 5

Bayonetta Bloody fate ost

Due to popular demand the anime movie of the game was produced, and although most of the time I cannot decide which one is worst a movie based on a video game or a videogame based on a movie, (street fighter, it`s a great example of how a video game should remain as a video game only), there is always an exception to the rule, and Bayonetta Bloody fate is the ONE, if you already played the first game then you should be watching the movie, and the soundtrack it`s full of new versions of the original game plus some other goodies.

Bayonetta bloody fate OST

Tekken tag tournament 1 & 2 + Tekken 5/dark resurrection.

On the place I grow up most of the fighting arcades where the usual Street fighter or King of fighters + something else, and even though they were good games all look almost the same, but then something changed, the 3D revolution came and with it some of the most legendary games ever, Battle arena Toshinden, Soul Calibur, Virtua fighter, and of course Tekken; a complicated game for the average fighting game player that it`s used to have only one plane of view and attack with a full array of super powers, Tekken changed the rules , 360 degrees to move, each character have a different style of fighting that goes from the traditional Karate to tae kwon do, sumo, Lucha libre, kung fu,,,,,,,,, and well you get the rest, true poetry on movement on experienced hands and a great selection of music, because another thing in wich Tekken was ahead of its time was on the use of cd quality music, here you can find some of the best examples.

This is a little tribute, considering that just like Castlevania this game is already dead for me now that Tekken 7 is coming with the inclusion of Akuma/Gouki from Street fighter series, wich brings me to the same affair as Lords of shadows, I really don't care about sales of the game or if is part of a new timeline, there are something that you simply cannot change because the end result is something DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU FELL IN LOVE THE FIRST TIME!!!!!.

Tekken tag tournament direct audio
Tekken tag tournament Ost
Tekken tag tournament 2
Tekken 5/ dark resurrection disc 1
Tekken 5/ dark resurrection disc 2

Shadow of the colossus ost

Tired of long and complicated stories, endless speeches of hundreds of characters with thousands of dull and boring battles against lesser minions? How about a game where you only have to pick a direction and beat the crap out of a badass huge boss, well how about playing Shadow of the colossus, by the way, the music it`s Epic, on the whole sense of the word.

Shadow of the colossus ost

The legend of Zelda 25th anniversary

Few games can say that they are indestructible, The legend of Zelda it´s one of them, and a tribute to celebrate this was produced, a medley with some of the most popular tunes of the saga performed by a Symphonic orchestra that takes you to a magical journey called The legend of Zelda. (I recommend some good grass before playing this beauty) XD

Neon genesis Evangelion

One of the most popular and successful animes of all time Neon genesis Evangelion has created a huge fan base all over the world, and part of that success is the dedication and effort from Gainax studios, both characters and plot have a special design and deepness in wich you can get easily caught, the action it's beyond wild, and the top cherry on this sundae of wonder it's given by a solid and melodic ost so good that even on the new movie versions most of the bmg are these original versions; there are too many Evangelion osts around, but I only upload these because they have the best music of the series, (Or well that's what I think).

The minibosses

An indie metal band from Massachusets glory of the nerds (like myself) who love video games music with a little touch of Metal, Castlevania, Contra, Ninja Gaiden, you name it, they have a metal cover of the tunes, I only upload one of his records because if you want more go and support them here.

Hope you like it, and happy beggining of the year to all.