
jueves, 13 de abril de 2017


Una vez mas a molestar a la gente, no he tenido mucha actividad mas que nada por falta de motivación para hacer algo, por eso en esta ocasión agrego una lista de libros que pasan desde la historia y la antropología, hasta la novela, teatro, conspiración, filosofía y otras cosillas interesantes, como es usual algunos estan en inglés y otros en español, espero les guste y que las disfruten.
Once again, time to bother you again, I have not had too much activity, mostly because of lack of motivation to do anything, this is why this time I add a list of books that goes from history and anthropology, up to novels, plays, conspiracy, philosophy, and other interesting goodies, as usual some of them are in English, others in Spanish, hope you like them.


Obras Históricas de Fernando Alva Ixtlixochitl
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Amoxaltepetl, El Popol-Vuh Azteca
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Antiguos Mexicanos, Miguel León-Portilla
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Aztec Architecture, Manuel Aguilar Moreno
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Aztec Art, Manuel Aguilar Moreno
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Blood sacrifice in ancient Grece and Aztec America
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Camino al Mictlan, Eduardo Matos Moctezuma
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Códice Borbónico
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Códice Borgia
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Códice Cospi
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Códice Fejervary-Mayer
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Códice Laud
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Códice Ixtlixóchitl
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Códice Varicano-B
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Historia Verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España, Bernal Diaz del Castillo
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Contributions to American Archaeology Vol. 1, The George G. Heye expedition
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Creation, cosmos and imagery of Palenque and Copan, Linda Schele and Khristaan D, Villela
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Historia de la venida de los mexicanos y otros pueblos e historia de la conquista, Cristóbal del Castillo
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Día de muetos
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El creador, el Toltecatl, Liliana González Austria Noguez
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El chac mool mexicano, Alfredo López Austin
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El conquistador anónimo. Joaquín García Icazbalceta.
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El enigma de los Olmecas, Wigberto Jimenez Moreno (cuadernos americanos Vol. 5)
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El sacrificio humano entre los mexicas, Alfredo Lópea Austin, Fernando López Luján
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Explaining Aztec Human Sacrifice, Raymond Constant Kerkhove
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History of the Mexicans as told by their paintings, Henry Phillips Jr.
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Huitzin, dios de la historia de los Azteca-Mexitin, Eva Alexandra Uchmany
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La muerte como punción o redención a una falta, Patrick Johansson Kerauder
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La muerte en la cosmovisión náhualt prehispanica, Patrick Johansson Kerauder
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La muerte Y los Mexicas, Cristina Ivette Hasse Martinez
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Los Temacpalitotique (brujos, profanadores, ladrones y violadores), Alfredo López Austin
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Maya Hieroglyphic writing, J, Kathryn Josserandt & Nicholas A. Hopkins
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Quetzalcóatl de Tula -Mitogénesis de una leyenda postcortesiana-, Werner Stenzel
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Ritos y rituales en torno a Mictlantecuhtli
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Novela Histórica (historia alternativa)
Historical novels (historical fiction)

Barrabás, Pär Lagerkvist
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Ben-Hur, Lewis Wallace 
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Cruzada contra el grial, Otto Rahn
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El dios de la Guerra, La noche de las brujas, Graham Hancock
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Frabato the Magician, Franz Bardon
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El Azteca, Gary Jennings 
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El misterio de Belicena Villca, Nimrod de Rosario
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La agonía y el éxtasis, Irving Stone
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Never in Fear, Merle Greene
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All 18 major puranas, The international Gita society
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El Ramayana, Valmiki
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El Mahabaratha, Vyasa
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Huellas de los dioses, Graham Hancock
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Los nueve libros de historia, Herodoto Vol. 1
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Los nueve libros de historia, Herodoto Vol. 2
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La illiada, Homero
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La Odisea, Homero
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La mitología de los héroes y la cronología,  A. López Eire.
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Rig Veda Americanus, Daniel G. Brinton
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The Myths of Mexico and Peru, Lewis Spence
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The Saturn Myth, David N, Talbott
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Vedas, Traducción de Ananada K. Coomaraswamy
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Prometeo Encadenado, Esquilo.
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Teorias alternativas
Alternative Theories

Electroculture, Justin Christofleau
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The Pyramyd, Les Brown
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Thunderbolts of the gods, David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill
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Magia y Hecicería
Magick and Magic

A post-moder perspective on Elemental spirits, Anton Channing
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Amulets of ancient Egypt, Carol Andrews
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Angels and Angelology in the middle ages, David Keck
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Astral Magic in Babylonia, Erica Reiner
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Baphomet Magie, Walter Jantschik (en alemán) (in german)
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Baphomet XIX O.T.O. Emblems and mode of use, Aleister Crowley
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Black magick and the left hand path, Haramullah
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Book of Thoth, Aleister Crowley
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Clothed with the sun, Anna Kingsford
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Combat magick
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Cuadrados mágicos cabalísticos, como utilizarlos correctamente
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Demons of the flesh, Nikolas and Zenea Schreck
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Demonic texts and textual demons, Franz Ilkka Mäyrä
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Liber Al The book of the law
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The book of gates, E. A. Wallis Budge
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The devil´s dictionary, Ambrose Bierce
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De Vermis Misteriis, Tertius Sibellius
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Western esotericism and rituals of initiation, Henrik Bogdan
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Witchcraft dictionary, Aleister Crowley
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Novelas y cuentos
Novels and tales

Congo, Michael Crichton
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El horror que nos acecha, Robert Bloch
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El rey de Amarillos, Robert W. Chambers
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La conspiración, Dan Brown
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Lo mejor de la ciencia ficción rusa, Jacques Bergier
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Sol Naciente, Michael Crichton
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Teorias de conspiración
Conspiracy Theories

Exposed the 9/11 myth and war on terror.
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The secret societies of all ages and countries, Charles William Heckethorn
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Otros temas
Other topics

Brief heraldic guide to the British bindings database, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
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Wait for the next update with even more books.