It´s interesting how things happen, the first thing you know is that you are watching a video with a nice song on the tv and the next is that fourteen years passed in the blink of an eye; thankfully I had a nice soundtrack during this time of my life and although Castlevania music played a big part on it House music, Trance and Brit-pop were involved also; this brings me to this new post in wich you can hear my favorite female singer: Sophie Michelle Ellis-Bextor; I still remember like if it were yesterday her video Murder on the dance floor; I have to tell that I was impressed, the lyrics were sticky as crazy glue, her voice like anything I heard before (her British accent it's so sexy), but the most important part, she was unique, before her on MTV and music channels you only have the same old shit, blonde tan girls with dozens of dancers around twisting on pole dancer choreographies singing about been a slut and how their boyfriends dump them because their stupid, there's no need to say that she was the opposite: first of all she is very tall 5'9 (1.75 cm) plus high heels and it's impossible to miss her, skin white as alabaster, shiny black straight hair, chiselled cheekbones, and incredibly she didn't dance a shit, well she improved as time passed but anyways her presence was fresh air to me and others, that's why today I bring her studio albums and some rarities to share, just click on the name to get the link.
The audience 1998
Her beginnings as a singer where with this band and after that only success was waiting for her.
14 tracks
mp3 320 kbps
Read my lips 2001
Her first solo album and the most successful, Murder on the dance floor and Cher cover of take me home are good, but Music get's the best of me it's my favorite.
13 track
mp3 320 kbps
Shoot from the hip 2003
Her second album and a very good one, although she got pregnant during the tour and was unable to make more noise to promote her singles this record have some tracks worth to be heard such as party in my head and I won't change you which have it's own video.
10 tracks
mp3 320 kbps
Trip the light fantastic 2007
Four years in the making and every single day worth the waiting, my favorite album of them all, every track is good and also the videos to promote it, a record that can be heard from the beginning to the end unless you have to do something better XD.
12 tracks
mp3 320 kbps
Make a scene 2011
What happen when you combine a sexy voice and some electronic music? the answer is Make a scene the fourth solo album of Sophie, Bittersweet and Under your touch are great tracks to start a party anywhere plus you have many guests like Armin van Buuren, Junior Caldera, and the Freemasons.
14 tracks
mp3 320 kbps
Wanderlust 2014
Isn't she gorgeous? when she have 50 will be like the sun and nobody will be able to look at her directly, but until that happens I hope she keeps the good music on her system like this great album that has become the 2nd more successful of her career, good things happen when you make things the way you like and not how everybody expects, and Sophie just prove it.
28 tracks in two discs
mp3 320 kbps
Cut straight to the heart tour live at Concorde 2 club Brighton UK 12/12/2010
A live performance to promote the album "Cut straight to the heart", which was the original name of the later Make a scene, here you can find a selection of her hits and a couple of covers from Modjo and Moloko, this was recorded live so there are some funny parts and others quite emotive.
16 tracks
mp3 320 kbps
A few extras that I find on the web, mostly covers and live performances, some of the best are Take me with you wich is a very rare and unreleased track, Nobody does it better, Yes sir I can boogie among others.
25 tracks
Hope you like it.

The latest album from lovely madame Bextor, this record holds some of the best songs up today from our favorite singer and one with a twist, the overall style is completely different from previous albums and is not bad at all, Is there something this woman cannot do? She even made a mariachi cover of the song "death of love" and is great! (my favorite till now) Keep the beat baby!
11 Tracks
Mp3 320 kbps
19 Tracks
Mp3 320 Kbps
A late (really late) addition to the blog, because you know, I am still around XD. This is a very especial treat, with orchestral versions of the favorites songs from our stunning and dearest britt singer: Sophie Ellis Bexor. Made back in 2019 (now is 2020, sorry for the delay) as a celebration of over twenty years of musical life-career and with quite astounding results, the maturity on each track only provides a closer look to every detail that was missed before on the "official" versions, just listen to it and rejoice on what might be the best compilation ever from an underrated artist that is able to win our hearts and do everything she wants with grace, charm, style, beauty and above all: LOVE.
By the way, this post aged really well.
Excelente el Post, muchas gracias por tenerla a ella dentro de tu selección de buena música!!!
ResponderBorrarMuchas gracias :) que buen aporte de un verdadero conocedor de sophie
ResponderBorrarMuchísimas gracias por subir la discografía de esta chica tan talentosa.
ResponderBorrargracias amigo.. como dato: te falta el "wandermix"
ResponderBorrargracias por compartir, excelente aporte. saludos
ResponderBorrarMuchas gracias por compartir!! :)
ResponderBorrarGracias totales!
ResponderBorrarGreat work.Thanks a lot
ResponderBorrarI cannot thank you enough!!!
ResponderBorrargracias por semejante aporte :D
ResponderBorrar¡Sos groso, crack!
ResponderBorrarGracias por el aporte. Espero que esta vez no pierda todas estas joyas.
Muchas gracias por este aporte, descargué todo en buenisima calidad desde acá de esta diosa y genia de la música. <3
ResponderBorrarSi la agarro a Sofi la parto como a un queso!!
ResponderBorrarGracias por los discos, puto!!
Hola, muchas gracias por el aporte!
ResponderBorrarRealmente pensé que no iba a poder encontrar Wanderlust en ninguna parte, ja, por suerte no fue así.
Realmente me alegra mucho encontrarme con alguien que disfrute de la misma música que yo y más aún que se tome el tiempo de compartirla.
Asi que, aquí va la historia de como descubrí la música de Sophie Ellis-Bextor, ja, fue de causalidad. Aunque, algunos dicen que las casualidades no existen. Hmmm... Bueno, en fín, volviendo al tema... Alredor del año 2000 había un programa de Tv que usaba una de sus canciones para los comerciales y me encantaba la voz y la música de la artista, pero no sabia quien era. Dado que internet no era lo que es actualmente me fue imposible develar el misterio y no fue hasta el 2016 que me acorde de ese programa y lo busque en Youtube para descubrir la canción... Obviamente la artista era Sophie y me baje toda la discografía. Recuerdo que Familia no me gustó y lo borre, pero hoy viendo algunos de sus videos noté que me faltaba Wanderlust. Este es realmente un album muy bueno, lo super recomiendo. Hoy escuche algunas de sus canciones en Youtube y son muy buenas, especialmente "The Deer & the Wolf"
Otros albunes que me gustan de Sophie son Read My Lips (Mi Favorito) y Shoot from the Hip, Another Day es mi canción favorita en este album.